Monday, May 23, 2005

Last day of school!

Today's awesome, though the kids still suck. I can't believe that I have a class with 8 kids, I'm showing them a movie, and I still have to get on their cases for talking and not watching the movie. Not all my kids are like that, though.

I'm working on a little less than three hours of sleep, thanks to United Airlines. I was scheduled to pick up my roommate from the airport at 11:15, but his flight didn't get in until three hours later. So I'm finally in bed a little after 3:30 and wake up at 6:30. I think that's the least amount of sleep I've gotten all year, coincidentally on the last day! Whatever that's worth.

So here's some testimony of the Holy Spirit. Usually at church on Sunday nights, Pastor John is the one who delivers the message and Erik leads worship on guitar. Well, another guy from church, Brett, called me and told me that we were gonna have "Amateur Night". Erik wanted me to bring my piano to the house (where we have church) and lead worship and Brett to deliver the message. So I thought about which songs to do: Blessed Be Your Name came to mind as well as Your Love is Extravagant, Be Still and Know (Chapman), and Let My Words Be Few. I chose Blessed Be Your Name and also Be Still and Know because we talked about that verse last week. The last verse of that is:

Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He's our father
Come rest your head upon His breast
Listen to the beating of
His unfailing heart of love
Beating for his little ones
Calling each of us to come

For Some Reason (I hope you enjoyed those italics, Suz), when I finished that last verse on Sunday, I decided to have us do it again, so we closed the song singing it twice.

I had no idea what it was gonna be, but it turns out, Brett's message was about being sons and daughters of God and about his unfailing love for us, regardless of what we do. It was incredible.

I guess I probably could've shortened that story up a little, but I didn't want to take a chance of risking any part of the presentation. And I'm still typing.

Now I'm hungry. Gonna find some food.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

fried chicken

Hello again! Is this belated belated May day?

The Cat in the Hat is funny. I wish that I made more munny. My kids are watching this today, as it's the third to last day of school FOR THE WHOLE FRIKKIN YEAR!!! THE LAST DAY!!! DID YOU HEAR ME?!?

You're Fiyurrrrrrrrrduh! (Thankfully I haven't heard that said to me this year. I probably resigned just in time.)

Does anyone else out there love God? I've found myself becoming more and more like the people who used to annoy me so much. They always talk about God, as if they had no brains or made no decisions on their own. Don't get me wrong--I certainly don't think that God told me to hit the snooze button five times this morning or to deodorize my right arm pit before my left arm pit this morning. I guess it's just with my blessings, since God's the author of all that's good. Good stuff rocks. There are so many blessings around us--relationships, the earth, even bad jobs that, nonetheless, pay the bills--and, for God's sake and mine, the last thing I should do is forget to thank Him. Ya know?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Belated May Day

I missed May Day! I forgot that April only had 30 days. I hope no one was offended.

Believe it or not, I'm seriously contemplating applying for the job that I just resigned. I'm starting to enjoy the 6th graders and thinking that next year might not be so bad, especially if I get a bunch of stuff organized over the summer. Hmmm... Plus, I'd have more time to do a little better for the administration so they'd have something good to say for me when other districts call after I apply with them.

Yes, I'm here at school again, "sittin' here," showing a cheesy smile to one of the little girls who keeps talking to another girl and never does her work. Now I'm mad because the paraprofessional in here sneezed twice, got "blessed" twice, then I sneezed once, and no one "blessed" me. Oh, well. God blesses me OVER and OVER again. For some reason, recently, I've been noticing it more and more. I picked up some Great Harvest bread on Saturday and was driving home, realizing how much God blesses me, and I must've had a smile on my face for a good fifteen seconds or so. As Chesterton says, "The test of all happiness is gratitude." Makes sense, doesn't it?

My class is being so wonderful right now. I don't even know if they're doing their bell work, but I really don't care. As long as they're quiet. I'd better get back to teaching.