Friday, March 10, 2006


My wife just made me an awesome omelette--pepperoni, of course. I was introduced to them when Aubrey felt sorry for my caved in torso and made them for me occasionally. So I just had one of those and an English muffin. A Bri-ish muffin.

I actually have a piano performance coming up! I don't know when the last time was that I performed a piano piece. It may have been my graduate recital in February (or whenever it was) of '04 in Dallas. So, two years later, I'll be performing Liszt's 3rd Liebestraum and Chopin's 4th Ballade for some folks at a retirement village here in the KC area. So we'll see how that goes.

Today I was reading in Genesis about Joseph and God's favor on him. I wonder what he was thinking while being mac'ed (macked?) on by Potiphar's wife. Here he was, already having been despised by his brothers, now a slave for Potiphar, thinking, "God, what's next? How can I keep myself from getting in trouble?" So, as a slave, do you succumb to your flesh and to sexual pressures from the boss's wife, perhaps giving you the much desired favor along with ecstasy, fleeting as it may be, or do you succumb to your God-given conscience, subjecting you to more punishment, unfulfilled sexual desires, and etc.?

It's kinda like receiving directions from a trusted friend to their home, looking at it, and thinking, "Isn't there a quicker way?" So you get on Mapquest and look up directions and find what you think is a quicker way. Well, say your friend has a satellite view of where you live and they track your car the whole time. They see you go the way Mapquest says, even though Mapquest doesn't know about construction. You get stuck in a jam-packed construction zone for trying to spare a few minutes while you're friend's thinking, "Oh, boy. I guess I could've told him about the construction, ...but why didn't he just trust me?"

Joseph trusted. He saw the satellite view. And he had God's favor, particularly in the following chapters. That echoes what Paul said in Romans 8:28 about God working for those who love him and who are called according to his purpose.

So, anyway, that was that. Probably more to it, too, but I had to take a typing break for an interview. It went okay--for a mortgage company. That or Farmers... stuff to wrestle with. With which to wrestle.


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

*giggle* i can just hear you fixing that dangling participle. wait, you're married. am i allowed to say that still?

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Aubrey said...

Pepperoni omelette! Hahahahaha. That was just a ploy to get you to eat! But now you have Alicia to feed you REAL food! Poor girl.


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